I also defined some of the procedures involved.
Routine blood test. This was done every 3 months. Now it will be done more often.
Cost: $700.
Cost: $700.
Blood Cross Match and transfusion. Cost: $3,447.
Cross Match .
Difinition: Crossmatching is a way for the doctor to test your blood against a donor's blood to make sure they are fully compatible. Crossmatching takes 45 minutes to an hour. It's essentially a trial transfusion done in test tubes to see exactly how your blood will react with potential donor blood.
It's important for donor blood to match your own as closely as possible. Otherwise, your immune system might create antibodies against the donor blood cells. In this case, your immune system correctly views the donor cells as foreign, but incorrectly views them harmful. This can lead to a dangerous and possibly fatal reaction.
1. A cross match must be used within a 24 hour period.
Difinition: Crossmatching is a way for the doctor to test your blood against a donor's blood to make sure they are fully compatible. Crossmatching takes 45 minutes to an hour. It's essentially a trial transfusion done in test tubes to see exactly how your blood will react with potential donor blood.
It's important for donor blood to match your own as closely as possible. Otherwise, your immune system might create antibodies against the donor blood cells. In this case, your immune system correctly views the donor cells as foreign, but incorrectly views them harmful. This can lead to a dangerous and possibly fatal reaction.
1. A cross match must be used within a 24 hour period.
3. For each unit of blood that is used a unit of blood must be donated back to the blood bank.
4. If you can not find donors to replace the units you will be charged for each one. You have 6 months to replace the units. So far Art has had 6 units of blood. 3 units have been replaced.
Bone Marrow Biopsy.
Difinition: A bone marrow biopsy is a procedure that takes a small sample of the marrow inside your bones for testing in a laboratory. This test was done to stage the leukiema and for treatment options.
You can read more about this procdure here.
1. The procedure was done as outpatient surgery.
2. Out patient surgery cost: $6,999
4. If you can not find donors to replace the units you will be charged for each one. You have 6 months to replace the units. So far Art has had 6 units of blood. 3 units have been replaced.
Bone Marrow Biopsy.
Difinition: A bone marrow biopsy is a procedure that takes a small sample of the marrow inside your bones for testing in a laboratory. This test was done to stage the leukiema and for treatment options.
You can read more about this procdure here.
1. The procedure was done as outpatient surgery.
2. Out patient surgery cost: $6,999
3. Bio Genic biopsy report $14,000.
This test was not covered by the insurance as it was an out of state lab.
We are still trying to figure out the amount we will actually owe.
Our insurance coverage for the year ended September 31st. Keeping a very tight budget I managed to pay all the copays and most of the deductibles. I made arrangements with the hospital to pay the remaining balance for 3 visits.
Our insurance coverage for the year ended September 31st. Keeping a very tight budget I managed to pay all the copays and most of the deductibles. I made arrangements with the hospital to pay the remaining balance for 3 visits.
October 1st we start a new year with copays and deductibles. It begins with a $700. deductible before we are covered 80%. Our new deductible will be $7,000 before we are fully covered. (up $2,000)
Chemo Therapy
Our Doctor helped us fill out paper work with the drug company to cover the cost of the chemo drugs. Our copay will be $100. Plus 20% of the cost until we reach our deductible. We have applied through the Leukiema Foundation for a grant to help with the deductibles and copays. Our Doctor suggested we apply for financial assistance. I found out this program is no longer available. Art is scheduled for 2 treatments every 28 days for six months.
Chemo therapy cost: $96,000.
To say the costs are overwhelming is an understatement. Not having treatment is inconceivable. We will do what we have to do to treat this cancer.
Tomorrow Art will fill out paperwork for FMLA (family medical leave act). This will ensure he won't lose his job while under going treatments. His sick days have accumulated over the years and there is vacation time to fall back on and long term disability. We will get through one day at a time and let tomorrow worry about tomorrow.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
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